Hackers of India

Diversity Microtalks: Perspectives on Creating Change

 Aastha Sahni  , Andy Ellis  , Meghan Jacquot  , Sherri Davidoff 



Reducing Your Team’s Energy Costs: An Inclusion Microtalk (Andy Ellis) Any time a staff member deviates from the implicit norm of a workplace, they pay an energy cost. They need to work different hours, eat different meals, take different days off, and look different from everyone else. Inclusion is reducing the energy cost people pay just to exist in a space— and it’s critical for building a good culture and effectively turning energy into value. Want some practical examples? I’ll share lots from my tenure as a CSO, such as extending parental leaves, using IM systems effectively, using vacation to remove single points of failure and actually talking about performance all the time. Inclusion is reducing the energy cost people pay just to exist in a space. Stop making them waste energy, so you can turn more energy into more value.

Breaking Barriers: a Data-Centric Approach (Meghan Jacquot and Aastha Sahni) It is time for action. We know the numbers. Over the last decade, diversity within the workforce has increased - to take one measurement the number of women in cybersecurity has increased from 11% to 25% according to a research study by ISC2. This is just one area of diversity and there are other groups that are more underrepresented. What has been accomplished and how has it been measured? What barriers exist around mindsets and unconscious bias? In this talk, we’ll focus on how to break those barriers and ways to measure and validate those changes.

Microaggressions and Turnover: Three Ways to Reduce Quiet Quitting (Olivia Rose) The buildup of microaggressions is the primary reason why minorities decide to leave their workplace. Microaggressions are described as “a death by a thousand paper cuts”. Unfortunately, microaggressions are rooted deeply in human behavior and upbringing, and thus they are highly difficult to identify and address before they end up causing a diverse employee to leave. In this session, Olivia Rose will detail three actionable and realistic recommendations you can start implementing today at your organization to begin to address the retention problem. Olivia is a long-time Security practitioner, three-time CISO, and a Board member for Cyversity, an organization supporting women, underrepresented minorities, and veterans in Cybersecurity; where she developed and now leads the successful Mentorship Program.