Hackers of India

PAM Maturity From Zero Trust To Least Privilege

 Ajay Bongirwar   Charanjit Bhatia   Bala Ramanan 


Presentation Material

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Here is a summary of the discussion:

The conversation revolves around Privileged Access Management (PAM) and Zero Trust (ZT) in general, Citing one of the major challenges in the industry as identifying the right solution. The speaker emphasizes that there is no single answer to this problem and it’s a mix-and-match approach.

To address this challenge, (1) group high-critical assets into zones, . Micro-segmentation with PAM can be a good combination for segmentation. (2) Divide rules into critical, medium, and low-priority ones, focus on the most important ones first, and scale up periodically reviewing the action plan.

The second question pertains to balancing Zero Trust with ease of operation during user onboarding in PAM. The answer lies in finding a balance between access and privileges. Solutions today can provide least privilege access, allowing users to elevate their privileges as needed, with approvals required for critical tasks. This approach ensures zero trust from an identity, device, and resource perspective.

The discussion also touches on the idea of just-in-time privileges, where users start with least privileges and request additional privileges as needed. The concern is that this might increase operational time due to the approval process. However, the response is that routine tasks will only require elevation, not approval, making the process more efficient.