Hackers of India

From Reactive to Proactive - Operationalizing your Threat Intel

By  Akshat Jain   Amit Ghodekar   Suhas Desai   Ambuj Bhalla  on 06 Mar 2021 @ Nullcon

Presentation Material

AI Generated Summarymay contain errors

Here is a summarized version of the conversation:

The discussion revolves around the importance of intel and proactiveness in cybersecurity, A CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) should prioritize staying informed about potential threats and taking proactive measures to mitigate them. The panelists emphasized that intel plays a crucial role in warfare, to deceive enemies and make informed decisions.

To stay ahead, cyber threats, it’s essential to:

  1. Stay in a state of alertness without being hyper-vigilant.
  2. Sensitize team members to the right intelligence at the right time.
  3. Share public information about threat mitigation on platforms like WhatsApp to help others.
  4. Divide information into sensitive and non-sensitive parts, only sharing non-public information within trusted groups.

The panelists agreed that sharing intelligence among peers and colleagues can be beneficial in proactive defense. However, it’s essential to maintain professional maturity and respect when sharing information.

Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of intel, proactiveness, and responsible information sharing in the cybersecurity landscape.