Hackers of India

Securing the Future: Addressing Cybersecurity Challenges in the Age of 5G

 Altaf Shaik 


Presentation Material

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Here is a summarized version of the content:

Security Concerns in Mobile Networks

Mobile networks have traditionally relied on implicit trust among partners, but this approach has flaws. One-sided authentication means only users are authenticated by the network, not vice versa. Lack of transparency and insecure SS7 roaming interfaces also pose risks.

New Approach: Zero Trust Policy

The industry is moving towards a zero-trust policy where no one trusts anyone else. This includes networks, operators, and vendors. Security testing, audit, and compliance requirements are becoming essential.

Challenges in 5G Networks

Ways to Fix Them

  1. Implement zero-trust architecture
  2. Flawless implementation of security features according to specifications
  3. Test and audit networks regularly
  4. Continuous monitoring facilities
  5. Proper defense against denial-of-service attacks


New attacks will always emerge, but it’s essential to address existing vulnerabilities and implement robust security measures to prevent repeated attacks.