Hackers of India

Cyber Operations, Doctrine, And Geo-Politics

By  Anand Venkatanarayanan   Manu Zacharia  , John Lambert  on 24 Sep 2023 @ Nullcon

Presentation Material

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Here is a summary of the conversation:

The discussion revolves around cyber capabilities, on a global scale. The speaker mentions that revelations about sophisticated cyber capabilities have led to other countries and companies trying to catch up. This has resulted in the development of private sector offensive actor companies, (companies that provide cybersecurity services) which allow organizations to skip years of development.

The speaker also touches on the origin of cyber capabilities, for Western countries,, tracing it back to cryptography and cryptanalysis during World War II. These agencies, responsible for eavesdropping and cracking communications, have evolved into modern-day cyber agencies.

During the Q&A session, a question is raised about companies’ hurry to attribute attacks to certain actors, possibly as an excuse or to deflect blame. The speaker agrees that this pressure exists but emphasizes the importance of linking attacks to known or unknown threat actors for tracking purposes.

Another question is posed about government networks being less secure than corporate ones. The speaker responds by saying it’s not accurate to make a blanket statement about all government networks being weak, as there are strong and weak networks in both government and private sectors. They suggest that the reporting of government breaches might be more public, leading to this perception.

Overall, the conversation revolves around cyber capabilities, their origins, and the challenges faced by organizations and governments in securing themselves against threats.