Hackers of India

ThreatSeeker - Threat Hunting via Windows Event Logs

By  Ashish Bhangale   G Khartheesvar   Arafat Ansari  on 11 May 2023 @ Blackhat : Arsenal

This Tool Demo covers following tools where the speaker has contributed or authored


Threat hunting using Windows logs is essential for identifying and mitigating potential security threats within an organization’s network. It can be a time-consuming and painstaking process due to a large amount of data that needs to be collected and analyzed. The threat-hunting process could be repetitive. However, this process can be improved through custom scripts and tools.

In this talk, we will introduce ThreatSeeker, a windows log analysis framework that allows a threat hunter to find the common threats on the machine quickly. This tool also helps a threat hunter to detect APT movements. ThreatSeeker will allow a user to detect the following attacks:

All the code and deployment scripts will be made open-source after the talk.