Hackers of India

Phishing Simulation Assessment

 Jyoti Raval 



People in IT eco-system are becoming ‘favorite’ targets because, 1. they remain weakest link and 2. organisation are becoming mature in securing technology. For a security tester, it is a daunting task to set up a phishing campaign, which includes, decide a look-alike domain, buy it, setup a phishing website with infrastructure, design an email and choose target audience, track the open/click/download and build the analytics. All of these activities are time-consuming and demands a certain skill-set.

Phishing Simulation provides one-stop-solution for organisation to understand security awareness posture without actually performing ’live’ phishing attack. Phishing Simulation prepares phishing assessment with tailor-made questions specific to organisation, facilitates target users to complete the assessment, provides an intuitive tutorial and builds the analytics on basis of responses and the meta-data collected about user.

Phishing Simulation has 2 modules: Admin Module: This module will be used by tester to setup and monitor phishing assessments

Client Module: This module will be used by target user to complete the assessment and view tutorial