Hackers of India

Attacking with HTML5

By  Lavakumar Kuppan  on 04 Dec 2010 @ Clubhack

Presentation Material

Attacking with html5(lava kumar) from ClubHack


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Here is a summary of the content:

The speaker discusses two topics: network scanning and creating a browser-based botnet using HTML5 technologies.

Network Scanning

The technique involves sending packets to IP addresses with random ports (e.g., 339 or 445) to determine if they are open or closed. This can help discover whether a machine is up or not, even if it’s behind a personal firewall. By scanning multiple IP addresses, one can create a network scanner to identify active machines on a network.

Browser-Based Botnet using HTML5

The speaker explains how to create a botnet using HTML5 technologies, specifically web workers. Web workers allow a website to start a separate background thread that executes JavaScript, enabling process-intensive tasks without freezing the page. This creates possibilities for writing JavaScript code that can run for extended periods on different browsers without the user’s knowledge.

The advantages of using JavaScript for creating botnets include:

  1. A huge user base: Any person with a browser can become part of a JavaScript botnet.
  2. No need for zero-day exploits: Users only need to visit a website to execute the JavaScript code.
  3. Easy execution: JavaScript has limited control, but it’s still possible to execute code on users’ machines.

The speaker concludes that JavaScript is an ideal language for creating botnets due to its ease of execution and vast user base.