Hackers of India

APKHunt | OWASP MASVS Static Analyzer

 Mrunal Chawda   Sumit Kalaria 



APKHunt is a comprehensive static code analysis tool for Android apps that is based on the OWASP MASVAS framework. The OWASP MASVS (Mobile Application Security Verification Standard) is the industry standard for mobile app security. APKHunt is intended primarily for mobile app developers and security testers, but it can be used by anyone to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities in their code.

With APKHunt, mobile software architects or developers can conduct thorough code reviews to ensure the security and integrity of their mobile applications, while security testers can use the tool to confirm the completeness and consistency of their test results. Whether you’re a developer looking to build secure apps or an infosec tester charged with ensuring their security, APKHunt can be an invaluable resource for your work.

Key features of APKHunt:

Current Limitation:

Upcoming Features: