Hackers of India

Chinese APT against Government officials using G7 summit lure

By  Niranjan Jayanand  on 07 Aug 2023 @ C0c0n

Presentation Material

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Here is a summary of the content:

The speaker is discussing a malicious Remote Administration Tool (RAT) used by a Chinese Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group. The RAT collects information from compromised endpoints, including endpoint name, operating system version, username, internet connection status, IP configurations, and installed antivirus software. This information is encrypted using RC4 and encoded with Base64 before being sent to the attacker’s Command and Control (C2) server.

The encryption key used is a random value, and the RC4 operation can be identified by the assignment of a variable with a value of 256 followed by an XOR operation. The encrypted data is then transmitted to the C2 server using port 1001, along with a unique static string.

The speaker notes that this APT group’s tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) are similar to those used in previous attacks, including the use of DLL side-loading and shell code. The victimology also matches previous attacks, which targeted G7 and G20 attendees. However, the speaker does not want to attribute the attack to a specific APT group without sufficient evidence.

The research on this RAT was published in various journals over the past two-three months, and an interview with the Australian Financial Review was given.