Hackers of India

A Secure Privacy-Preserving Lightweight Authentication Scheme for Internet of Medical Things

 Panchami V   Mahima Mary Mathews 


Presentation Material

AI Generated Summarymay contain errors

Here is a summarized version of the content:

The speaker is discussing a protocol for secure authentication in a healthcare management system. The protocol involves multiple roles, (e.g., patient and authentication element) and claims that need to be verified. The goal is to ensure that the authentication process is secure and maintains user privacy.

To achieve this, , the speaker uses a formal method called Ban logic, , which provides a mathematical framework for specifying and verifying security protocols. This involves defining goals,, I assumptions , and rules (e.g., jurisdiction rule, message meaning rule) to formally prove that the protocol achieves its desired security properties.

In addition to formal analysis, the speaker also conducts informal security analysis using cryptographic tools and structures. This includes evaluating the protocol’s performance in terms of mutual authentication, user anonymity, and other security requirements.

The results show that the proposed protocol is secure and meets the desired privacy and security objectives. The speaker highlights the importance of maintaining user privacy, especially in a healthcare management system, while also achieving lightweight features with low computational and communication costs.

Overall, the presentation describes a formal approach to verifying the security of an authentication protocol in a healthcare setting, using both mathematical models and informal cryptographic analysis.