Hackers of India

Secure Service Edge (SSE): Challenges & Upsides of Adoption

 Rahul Neel Mani   Anuprita Daga   Rajesh Hemrajani 


Presentation Material

AI Generated Summarymay contain errors

Here is a summary of the conversation:

The speaker, The conversation revolves around AI, (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) capabilities in various industries, or banks, to improve productivity. The speaker highlights that AI is being used in areas such as cyber security, a fraud risk management, process automation, and robo-advising. However, the implementation of AI is not exhaustive, and there is still ongoing research in this field.

A participant from Tesco asks about balancing the roles of Chief Security Officer (CSO) and Data Privacy Officer. The speaker responds that they combine these roles to look at cyber security and data privacy from a business perspective. They engage with businesses, review processes, and identify potential risks and solutions together as a single team, rather than having separate teams working in isolation.

The conversation touches on various topics, including AI capabilities, their applications, and the importance of balancing different roles to ensure effective implementation.