Hackers of India

Cybersecurity: Is Machine Learning the Answer?

By  Rahul Sasi   Sitesh Behera   Sumeet Khokhani  , Rui Bastos  on 01 Mar 2019 @ Nullcon

Presentation Material

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Here is a summarized version of the content:

The conversation revolves around data localization, privacy, and accountability in the digital age. The speaker highlights the challenges that come with different regulations across the globe, citing examples such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the US Homeland Security Act.

Key points mentioned include:

  1. Differences in regulation: What is permitted in one part of the world may not be allowed in another.
  2. Unpredictable future: Agreements made in good faith can become invalid due to changing political landscapes.
  3. Data protection: Once data is shared, it cannot be retrieved, making accountability crucial.
  4. Right to be forgotten: The European Union’s “right to be forgotten” law poses significant challenges for companies.
  5. Data localization laws: These laws are becoming increasingly important due to concerns around data privacy, taxation, and law enforcement.
  6. E-discovery: Companies may face legal issues if they fail to provide electronic data in response to a court order, leading to potential contempt of court charges.

The discussion emphasizes the complexity of managing data across borders, where different countries have varying laws and regulations. The speaker concludes by highlighting the importance of understanding these challenges and finding solutions to address them.