Hackers of India

eBPFShield: Unleashing the Power of eBPF for OS Kernel Exploitation and Security

 Sagar Bhure 



Are you looking for an advanced tool that can help you detect and prevent sophisticated exploits on your systems? Look no further than eBPFShield. Let’s take a technical look at some of the capabilities of this powerful technology:

DNS monitoring feature is particularly useful for detecting DNS tunneling, a technique used by attackers to bypass network security measures. By monitoring DNS queries, eBPFShield can help detect and block these attempts before any damage is done.

IP-Intelligence feature allows you to monitor outbound connections and check them against threat intelligence lists. This helps prevent command-and-control (C2) communications, a common tactic used by attackers to control compromised systems. By blocking outbound connections to known C2 destinations, eBPFShield can prevent attackers from exfiltrating sensitive data or delivering additional payloads to your system.

eBPFShield Machine Learning feature, you can develop and run advanced machine learning algorithms entirely in eBPF. We demonstrate a flow-based network intrusion detection system(IDS) based on machine learning entirely in eBPF. Our solution uses a decision tree and decides for each packet whether it is malicious or not, considering the entire previous context of the network flow.

eBPFShield Forensics helps address Linux security issues by analyzing system calls and kernel events to detect possible code injection into another process. It can also help identify malicious files and processes that may have been introduced to your system, allowing you to remediate any security issues quickly and effectively.

During the session, we’ll delve deeper into these features and demonstrate how eBPFShield can help you protect your systems against even the most advanced threats.