Hackers of India

Introducing SniperPhish: A Web-Email Spear Phishing Toolkit

By  Sreehari Haridas   Gem George  on 18 Sep 2020 @ C0c0n

This talk covers following tools where the speaker has contributed or authored

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Here is a summarized version of the content:

The speaker is discussing a framework called Sniper Fish, which is designed for phishing assessments. The framework has various components, including:

  1. Email Campaign Manager: creates and sends emails with tracking information.
  2. Web Tracker: tracks user activity on websites.
  3. Report Generator: generates reports based on advanced customization options.
  4. Payloads and Sniper Payloads: allows uploading of exploits or files for use in phishing assessments.

The speaker also mentions future developments, including:

  1. Direct mail sending options with tracking info.
  2. User geolocation mapping to track user activity by country or location.
  3. Website cloner with preview and quick hosting option.
  4. Addition of more payloads and products.
  5. Integration of an API into Sniper Fish.

The speaker invites contributions and suggestions from the audience, and provides links to the official website (sniperfish.com) and GitHub repository (github.com/jumpshot/neverfresh) for those interested in learning more or contributing to the project.

Finally, the speaker thanks various individuals who have supported the development of Sniper Fish and invites questions and discussions on the Red Team Village Discord channel.