Hackers of India

India Cyber Crime Scene - Caught in the Crossfire

 Vinoo Thomas   Rahul Mohandas 



Video’s were in 3 parts these are those parts

AI Generated Summarymay contain errors

ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY: Cybercrime has evolved significantly, with increased vulnerabilities and attacks, making user education and security measures crucial to combat threats.


  1. Adobe vulnerability exploited through specially crafted documents.
  2. Cybercrime has seen a significant increase in the last 5 years, with over 1.5 million samples detected.
  3. Automation is necessary for analyzing samples, but only 1% of samples require human intervention.
  4. Cybercriminals can easily remain anonymous using rented botnets and exploiting different country laws.
  5. PDF files contain compressed data that needs to be analyzed to detect threats.
  6. JavaScript experts are often used in PDF-based attacks.
  7. India is the 14th most dangerous domain, with 63% of businesses experiencing increased threats.
  8. The average cost of an incident in India is around $13,000.
  9. Cybercrime is primarily motivated by money, rather than fame or skill demonstration.
  10. User education and security measures are essential to combat cyber threats.

Note: The content provided appears to be a transcript of a presentation or talk about the evolution of cybercrime and its implications.