Hackers of India

Top 20 Secure PLC Coding Practices

 Vivek Ponnada  , Sarah Fluchs 


Presentation Material

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Here is a summarized version of the content:

The speaker discusses a project focused on creating a secure PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) environment. They explain that attackers typically don’t add code to PLCs because it can raise suspicions, threshold. To combat this, the project aims to establish acceptable thresholds for PLC cycle times and alert engineers when malicious traffic is detected.

The project has been ongoing for about a year and has produced a document outlining secure PLC practices. The core team meets bi-weekly to discuss future plans, including:

  1. Creating top 20 secure PLC environment practices
  2. Building a virtual playground for testing and demonstrating security practices
  3. Improving and publishing version 2.0 of the practices based on user comments
  4. Translating the practices into multiple languages
  5. Developing training templates for PLC coding practices

The project welcomes feedback, comments, and suggestions from anyone interested in making PLCs more secure. The team is also looking to collaborate with engineers’ associations, PLC vendors, and user groups to spread awareness about the importance of PLC security.

Lastly, the speaker invites everyone passionate about PLC security to join the community project and contribute their knowledge and expertise.